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Category: Thoughtful Thursday

Thoughtful Thursday

“Are You Making The Healthiest Lifestyle Choices?”

Today is #ThoughtfulThursday and our friend Helen Sanders has this simple question for you: “Are You Making The Healthiest Lifestyle Choices?”  Unless you’re a 100% certified lifestyle guru that graduated from the 100% healthy lifestyle academy, your answer is most likely no… and people like Helen are here to help us accept our mistakes and guide us in this challenging journey that is living a healthy lifestyle. Her nutrition advice is based on her expertise and, more importantly, on YOUR personal tastes. So make sure you check out her blog for well documented health recommendations and innovative techniques to help you sustain your lifestyle choices! If you prefer more personal and adjusted guidance, don’t worry: Helen and her team will adapt to your objectives to supply you with complementary tips and guidance. Join the #HealthAmbition community NOW and make your first step towards #StayingHealthy!!! ——> https://www.healthambition.com
#HealthIsWealth #SoundsClichéButTRUE #LifeChoices #OneStepAtATime

Thoughtful Thursday

Research Library

Hey there sustainabuddies! We are currently in the process of creating a sustainability resource library! We are asking for your opinions and suggestions on topics such as social justice, economic equality, and environmental health by reducing the ecological footprint as well as ways in which to empower communities. Please partake in this awesome survey! Your voice means a lot to us.